Key features:
High-end signal and spectrum analyzer and phase noise tester all in one
Cross-correlation ensures that amplitude and phase noise can be measured simultaneously with a high degree of sensitivity, even for pulsed signals
The frequency range is from 1 MHz to 50 GHz, up to 325 GHz when using an external mixer
An internal source can be used to measure residual phase noise of a pulsed signal
The SCPI recorder simplifies code generation
R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer and VCO tester combine extremely low-noise internal source and cross-correlation technology for high sensitivity. It measures phase noise and amplitude noise from highly stable signal sources in applications such as radar in seconds. The R&S®FSWP is also a unique test instrument with options for pulsed signal measurements, characterization of residual phase noise (including impulse noise), and integrated high-end signal and spectrum analysis.
Product data applies under the following conditions:
• Three hours of storage at ambient temperature followed by 30 minutes of warm-up operation
• Specified environmental conditions met
• Recommended calibration interval adhered to
• All internal automatic adjustments performed, if applicable
Specifications with limits
Represent warranted product performance by means of a range of values for the specified parameter. These specifications are
marked with limiting symbols such as <, ≤, >, ≥, ±, or descriptions such as maximum, limit of, minimum. Compliance is ensured by
testing or is derived from the design. Test limits are narrowed by guard bands to take into account measurement uncertainties, drift
and aging, if applicable.