Multi-standard platform for broadcast TV, navigation, cellular, and wireless applications
Full software option-defined vector signal generator with 5" touchscreen
Advanced RF signal generation concept with a frequency range from 4 kHz to 7.125 GHz
Output power up to +25 dBm
Modulation bandwidth up to 240 MHz
The R&S®SMCV100B vector signal generator is the first multi-standard platform for automotive, broadcast television, navigation and wireless applications. R&S®SMCV100B is unique and can be used in a wide range of applications, from the lab to production and the integration of different technologies.
General Product data applies under the following conditions: • Three hours of storage at ambient temperature followed by 30 minutes of warm-up operation • Specified environmental conditions met • Recommended calibration interval adhered to • All internal automatic adjustments performed, if applicable Specifications with limits Represent warranted product performance by means of a range of values for the specified parameter. These specifications are marked with limiting symbols such as , ≥, ±, or descriptions such as maximum, limit of, minimum. Compliance is ensured by testing or is derived from the design. Test limits are narrowed by guard bands to take into account measurement uncertainties, drift and aging, if applicable.